Hello Newbee here.My question is on the k40 with the rdc6423g controller I have followed the instructions for connection and setup.I have no movement with the x,y, or z axis . Maybe wiring or usb driver? RDworks reads vendor settings fine . Any ideas . Thank you for any thoughts on the subject.
Hi,since your RDworks can read the supplier settings well, there is no problem with the wiring and USB program. Please follow the parameter settings as shown in the figure below. In addition, I will also attach a 6432G power-on cannot automatically reset solution.
In addition, if you have any questions, contact me in time
6432G开机无法自动复位解决方法.docx (2.8 MB)
You can check your controller manual, there should be an automatic reset solution on it. There is no movement on the x, y, z axis, which is a bit strange.