Random lens movements

Order/Invoice ID:111-9805945-0465807

Issue Product Name: JPT LP 50W Fiber Laser Marker

Issue Description: During marking, the laser point will move to random points outside of the intended area. Checked power supplies based on other recommendations and found the 15v power supply outputting 13.1v under load. Tried using voltage adjustment to bring back up to 15v, but it will happen again. Sometimes after “cool off” of 1hr, I can get a few marks in before the issue returns.

First of all, please check if you have opened multiple vector files. If it is confirmed that there is no problem, it is recommended that you change a power supply.

I only have the one vector file open.
Attaching a video link to the random movements.

Would the power supply be under warranty from Cloudray or do I need to get that from someone else?

Video File - 20221109_124534.mp4

We feel sorry that we can’t find any order information with the order number you offered,Could you mind telling us which platform you order from?

Was ordered via Amazon from Cloudray’s storefront.

100% guarantee you have a bad GALVO head PS. The video is exactly what my CR 50W JPT LP was doing, CR sent a new PS and the problems stopped.

Thanks for your information, we suggest that you need directly contact the store on Amazon to deal with your order problem.

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Just got the new power supply in and back to normal.

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