Why FSCUT1000 has no height controller?

You sell 2 Friedness Control products

Cloudray Friendess FSCUT1000 Fiber Laser Cutting Control System

Cloudray 0-6KW Friendess FSCUT2000C Laser Cutting Control System

I need open loop and I need 1000W. That means FSCUT1000 is right for me.
But why is Height Controller is missing at FSCUT1000 (is not in picture)?

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FSCUT1000 with missing BCS100

FSCUT2000 complete BCS100

So when buying FSCUT1000 must I buy BCS100, too?

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Then buying FSCUT1000 is more expensive (2500+2700=5200) than FSCUT2000 (3600)?

Please explain.

Thanks you

First of all, I want to confirm with you that BCS100 is not included in this Cloudray Friendess FSCUT1000 Fiber Laser Cutting Control System BCS100 you need to buy it extra.
Regarding the price difference between FSCUT2000 and FSCUT1000, I will tell you after I confirm with our product manager.

Thank you for your anwer.
I think I have found a hint that the BCS100 is included on the FSCU1000 board, so there is no need to buy BSC100 seperately. Maybe your product manager can confirm that.
If that is true, it could be helpful for other customers to add that information to the product description in your shop.