New RDC6563F Controller System fir Fiber Lasers

You offer the new Ruida controller system that is for fiber lasers.

Link: Cloudray Rudia RDC6563F Fiber Laser Cutting Control System – Cloudray Laser

I have 3 questions for it

  • Is it complete, do do I neeed additional BCS100 controller?
  • Is the included software the same than for Ruida controllers?
  • has someone used it in a machine with a Rayus 1000W fiber laser? Did it work?

Maybe other customers have experience with it. On the internet I did not find any report about it.


Hello hans,thanks for Choosing Cloudray!
If you need, I can send you the user manual of FSCUT1000&2000, RDC6563F, so that you can help you understand the product better.

Thank you for your answer. I found some answers in the download you provided on the product page, sorry hat I missed that

  • height following is included.
  • its a different software. Seems included, but need activation codes on regular basis (encrypt time feature)
  • Raycus laser can use analog interface only, not COM.

The product seem very new, indeed. Its not even listed on Ruida’s english web pages. So I guess there are no users with rayus fiber yet, at least outside China.

A nice feature is that you can add a U and A axis. U seems for rotary, but the manual does not say how its configured or how switch to rotatry. A can be used just for manual jogging.

So thanks, question answered.

Can you please send me the user manual FSCU1000A or tell what is the difference between FSCUT1000A and FSCUT1000C?
Thank you

Hello Hans,Tell me your e-mail, files cannot be uploaded here.

Hello Goodman,
you can use the email thats registered with the forum user.
If you can not get to that, I need to know where to send the email. I can not post it in the forum.

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