USB Driver For Windows 11

I have a new laptop that is equipped with Windows 11 Home 64bit operating system. I have a new MP-60 laser engraver i just purchased from, machine seems to power up normally and my laptop recognizes when it is connected to it. The supplied USB flash drive (“U- Drive”) works, but the USB driver software is not working. I have uninstalled and repeated the process at least 3 times with no change in outcome. What do I do to resolve this issue?

Perhaps your driver is not installed correctly, check the driver contents of the device manager, if you are using EZCAD then the driver that will appear is the BJJCZ driver, if you are using Lightburn as your software then you will see the LB driver at the serial interface in the device manager.

Adam got everything all fixed up and working, thank you for the reply.

Justin Nehring

Lightburn is not connecting to my laser. I see it says bjjcz in the device manager not LB driver. i also notice my port is #0001 in device manager but no option in lightburn to change to that port. Is it a port issue or driver issue and if so how to i get the LB driver?