Stock Firmware Ruida 6445S

Good evening, I have a Ruida 6445S controller which has problems with the U axis, when trying to engrave with the rotary activated the Y axis moves instead of the U axis, I would like to try flashing the firmware again 01.26.13 for this motherboard, could you share the download link to perform this test ?. From already thank you very much.

Not sure if there is a save here, but You can find it here on the Google Mod Page at the top.

Thank you very much, look at the link and this is the version 26.01.16 that my controller has and has that problem, I would need the 26.01.13. I appreciate the contribution. Greetings.

You can now solve the problem, for some reason when updating the firmware to version 26.01.16 the Y axis was selected as the axis of rotation, and having an old version of RDWORK, could not select the axis of rotation U, Thanks Goodman, since in the repository I found the latest version and can solve the problem. Greetings.

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