Rd6445s(EC) not homing y

It was working fine then i decided to try to run a rotary
I did this by using the y I unplugged the stepper and plugged in the rotary
After I was done
Powered down in hooked switch to the y stepper
Made sure rotary was switched off in lightburn
Also went back into the vendor settings and told y to home on reset
I shut it all down started up again

Machine would not home y
The y buttons on controller did not operate
If I was in lightburn I could move it on the move screen but not on continuous
It’s been powered down and up lots
Y doesn’t home

This morning I turned on and same but then I opened rd works and it allowed me to rapid move the y and now I can move y on controller

Will not home y on reset on controller
Will not home y on power up

Will home from rd works

It’s random if it homes in lightburn mostly it try’s to drive through the limits

If I can get it to home on the reset
Be golden