My QS-50 50W JPT red dot and laser stopped working

My laser has been working flawlessly until yesterday. All of a sudden my red dot framing light stopped working but the laser was able to engrave but then the engraving laser stopped working. I have not changed any settings at all. The chaise cooling fan and fans on my laser source are running but the fan on my 24v power supply is not running. When I checked my voltage on my 24v power supply I was getting 24.1 Volts. Not sure what to check now???

According to your description, your power supply is fine.
You may provide a more detailed description or video

So, I wanted to explain exactly what is happening. My Laser has been working flawlessly for over 10 months until yesterday. The last time I was engraving was early last week and everything worked. I returned from vacation and was going to engrave yesterday I set up everything in Lightburn 1.4.0 and when I tried to frame my design the red dot laser did not come on. I re-checked my settings, and they were al correct. Red dot is set always on. I then pressed start to see if it would engrave and it did. I then tried it again and then none of the lasers came on. I then restarted Lightburn and also power off and powered my laser back up. I made sure all connections were on and tight, I then re-tried to engrave and again nothing from the galvo. All my fans are on, the main chaise fan the fiber source fans and also the fan on the 24v power supply. I removed my side panel to verify the connection, and all looked good and all controllers has green lights. I have taken pictures and videos of what it looks like. I did notice a red LED on when I pressed start on the top controller o. I also checked voltage on 24v supply. I hope this helps to pinpoint what the issue is,

Mine is doing the exact same thing… What could be causing this? Thanks in advance.

Got mine fixed it was a bad cable (See attached pictures) Customer service helped me find it … A++++ and Thanks to them for their prompt response. I hope this helps someone else.


Do you know what this cable controls? Where did you get the replacement cable?