CF-60 (MOPA -JPT M7) 60W Split Laser Engraver

So here is a spot for the same machine owner to share all of their adventures with this specific model.
So far I have:
1:) Changed the integrated card to a JCZ and the connectors on the integrated card for the Laser source and Galvo are the same. The power, rotary, and switch are different, However the JCZ Card I received was part of the package, included with the machine when I purchased it. All connectors were ready just plug and play! wires were labeled and the 5V power supply included as well. I think the hardest thing about the whole process was removing the white hot glue they put on the terminals so they don’t shake loose. they even included a new back plate with it, all I had to do was swap them out and feed the wires to the inside of the console. The EMI filter wires were tough to get out but nothing that a needle nose plyers could not take care of it. The 5V Power supply is a little smaller than the 12V originally installed so the original holes don’t quite line up on the 5V to fix it I used a bigger head diameter screw that did the trick. TIP don’t remove the lower bolts on the case front or back there is no need to since the side panels slide up and out of the way. I only removed the upper 3 in the front and upper 3 in the back and the top cover came out.

2:) Tried some color marking:

3:) using Light burn software

4:) Tried some Black slate…working progress.

I created this topic in hopes that we can focus on the specifics of this model due to so many differences between all the others and so on. hope that helps and we can all grow from here in our expertise’s with this awesome machine!

1st glass polished stainless.

2nd 90 degree brushed stainless

3rd 0 degree brush stainless

4th cheap stainless mug cover…

Conclusion… Can it do color? Yes! HOWEVER,

Every Material, thickness, grain, position, power, machine, and manufacturer IS ABDOLUTELY DIFFERENT! So with that in mind back to burning more samples of available materials! I may have 50 different libraries by the time I get trough my material with my machine in my garage… again unless you are absolutely 💯 using the same stuff all around and is here In my garage at the same temperatures and location these settings will not help you 😀 lol. Just a heads up for those that would think that every machine is the same when it comes to fiber MOPA lasers. Please do your research and have plenty of test material on hand because just going from one angle to the next will change your colors, as well as temperature of the material. If you engraved test squares and try to use those settings individually on something other than …you may find that the colors are not the same…also if your material was not focused exactly the same as your sample even by 1 or 2 mm it will change your color! So very beautiful colors YES! BUT ALSO VERY HARD EARNED!